Liberty Gun Safe VS. Fort Knox Safe

We work hard to educate customers about how gun safes are really built, so they can make knowledgeable purchase decisions. You can always view competitors’ catalogs at our store for comparison, but catalogs are not very detailed, and are sometimes misleading. To be truly factual we purchased a Liberty Franklin gun safe and removed the door panel. Now you can see what they will not show you in the box stores.

Come to Hoogerhyde Safe to see a side by side comparison between the Liberty Franklin and a Fort Knox Maverick. See how much more security you get with the Fort Knox Maverick for less money! Our regular price is less than Gander Mtn’s regular price (at time of posting, Grand Rapids area stores). And the Fort Knox comes with a better warranty, outside hinges, a better interior, etc.

Note: Liberty, Franklin and Gander Mtn. are trademarks of their respective companies.