The annual Shooting Hunting and Outdoors Trades Show was in Las Vegas last week. This is the biggest show of its kind where manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and retailers gather to make deals on sporting goods. It is amazing to see thousands of beautiful guns and knives on display from all over the world in one place, along with ammunition, accessories, clothing, tactical gear, etc.
Naturally, I was most interested in seeing and learning about all the various manufacturers’ gun safes. I came away feeling confident that we at Hoogerhyde are on the right track selling only American Made gun safes by American Security, Fort Knox, Graffunder and Heritage. These product lines offer quality construction, Real Security, reasonable prices and Outstanding Value.
On the other side of things, there were manufacturers who were making outrageous claims about gun safes that are absolutely inferior. Most of these products were cheap China-made imports. One importer tried to tell me that their China-made safe with 10 gauge steel on the door had 30% more steel than Amsec’s BF safe. The reality is that with a ½” solid steel door the BF has 271% more steel than a 10 gauge door. And besides that, I would bet that if their door was cut open you would find less than 10 gauge steel to boot. Some of the safes that were represented to be “American made” are actually coming from China almost complete. I guess that to some people, painting a safe and installing the shelves in The States, qualifies it as “made in the U.S.” Be careful not to be fooled by false claims.
Anyway, if you ever get the chance to attend SHOT, definitely go.