Instead of buying a cheap gun safe because your budget is limited, consider spending a similar amount on a good used commercial safe and make your own “gun safe”. You may be way better off both fire-wise and security-wise.
For example, pictured is a commercial safe we took in last week. It was used in a high security situation – you can see where several types of alarms were mounted to the front. It also has a legitimate 4-hour U.L. certified fire rating. There are several gun safes with ratings as high as 2.5 hours, but those ratings are bogus and the safes would never pass U.L. tests for that long.
The Mosler safe shown is 76”H X 42.5”W X 30”D outside and 60 X 33 X20 inside. That is 23 cubic feet of inside capacity. We will sell it for $1500. So if you invested a few hours into making a gun rack, and maybe painting it, you would end up with an outstanding unit for the price of a poor quality gun safe. Check with your nearest safe dealer for similar opportunities. If you live in Michigan come see us.