Getting Service After You Buy Your Gun Safe

A man whose gun safe we drilled open in late November relayed the following story:

Early in 2015 Jeff purchased a gun safe at a box store thinking it was decent quality and American made.  (It wasn’t because this “manufacturer” imports 100% of their product.)  Jeff’s safe malfunctioned and locked him out in late September.  He was disappointed but not too concerned because opening day of deer season was still eight weeks away — surely he would have no trouble getting to his favorite rifle by then.

Jeff tried numerous times to call the company’s warranty department to arrange for the gun safe to be opened.  Eventually he got an answering machine and was able to leave a message.  After waiting a week or so without getting a return call the process was started over again.  A few weeks later he reached a real person who apparently dropped the ball, because nothing happened again.  He started over once more but the “customer dis-service” continued until after opening day of deer season.  Jeff ended up borrowing a rifle to hunt with.  He was not happy.

Obviously, few warranty issues take that long to get resolved, but some gun safe companies are known for their poor customer service.  A little online research will tell you which companies to avoid.  Buying you gun safe or vault door from a business that can service them will also save you from this kind of trouble.